Buy Divya Lavan Bhaskar Churna 100 gm
(Lvn Bhsk Chu)
Benefits of Divya Lavana-bhaskar choorna
Divya Lavana-bhaskar choorna helps to give quick relief from stomach problems. The gastric problems remedies in this natural product lead to normal functioning of all digestive organs.
Divya Lavana-bhaskar choorna is a wonderful gastric problem cure as it gives relief from indigestion and other digestive problems forever.
Divya Lavana-bhaskar choorna may be taken regularly as it is free from any adverse effects and is not habit forming. The results are long lasting and reoccurrence of symptoms is prevented.
Divya Lavana-bhaskar choorna boost up the immunity and help in proper digestion and assimilation of the absorbed nutrients.
Therapeutic uses
Divya Lavana-bhaskar choorna is a natural product for gastric problem cure. The gastric problems remedies in Lavana-bhaskar choorna are well known as they act on the digestive organs to produce excellent results in gastric problems.
Divya Lavana-bhaskar choorna helps in the treatment of indigestion and gives quick relief from digestive problems.
Mode of administration
It should be taken after food with water.
One teaspoon should be taken two times after eating food.
Lifestyle changes
- Digestive problems occur in people who live a sedentary life. Exercise has great importance in our life and people suffering from any digestive ailments should do exercise for proper digestion of food. Exercise helps in easy absorption of all the nutrients.
- People who drink less amount of water also suffer from digestive problems. Drinking more fluids help in proper digestion and assimilation of food.
- Too much spicy food and fried food should not be included in the daily diet. Occasional intake may not affect digestive process but regular eating may damage the digestive tract lining.
- Proper sleep is very important for getting rid of digestive problems. People who lack sleep also suffer from digestive problems.
Home remedies for gastric problems
- People who suffer from acidity should drink more water as it helps to maintain proper pH balance in the body. A glass of cold milk also helps to relieve acidity.
- Eating fibre foods such as salads and fruits give relief from constipation.
- Mint also helps in proper digestion of the food. Chew some leaves of mint before eating food as it stimulates digestive organs for secretion of digestive enzymes.
- Garlic is also an effective home remedy. It gives relief from flatulence and indigestion problem naturally.