Charak Livomyn Tablet – Natural Remedy for Viral Hepatitis

Are you looking for an answer to the question how to cure liver disease naturally? You may find a large number of products that are made as herbal cure alcohol induced hepatitis liver treatment. Livomyn tablet is a natural remedy for viral hepatitis. It supports the liver for its normal and optimum functioning. It is a combination of natural herbs for liver support. It is made up of natural herbal ingredients that support liver for optimum functioning. It helps to regulate the normal functioning of liver by providing natural herbs. The herbs found in livomyn tablets are best liver care remedies and provide best results for the people suffering from any kind of liver disorders. It helps in the proper digestion and absorption of the food by stimulating the secretion of liver enzymes in the required amount. Liver helps in the production of bile which is an essential pigment for the emulsification of fatty substance present in our food. The best herbal remedies are used for the preparation of livomyn tablets and it gives the best liver support for the people suffering from cirrhosis of the liver. There are many liver supplements available in the market but they may not produce best results to stimulate liver functioning. The natural remedies present in this natural and herbal product are known for ages to maintain normal functioning of the liver.

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Benefits of Livomyn tablets

  • It is a natural remedy for viral hepatitis. It is a useful treatment for all kinds of liver problems. Regular intake of livomyn tablets helps in the proper digestion and assimilation of the food.
  • It helps to protect the liver from harmful effects of the chronic diseases. People suffering from liver diseases such as cirrhosis and hepatitis may take this natural supplement for getting rid of the complications that may arise due to liver infection.
  • It helps in eliminating the harmful toxins from the liver and makes it free from harmful chemical substances so that it may perform normal functioning.
  • It is an excellent herbal cure alcohol induced hepatitis liver problem. This herbal remedy is absolutely safe and provides great liver support to carry out normal digestive functions in the body.
  • It increases the strength of the liver and also helps in the repair of the damaged cells and tissues of the liver. It consists of the natural ingredients that are useful to support liver for normal bile production.
  • It helps to protect liver in alcoholics. It prevents fatty infiltration of the liver and provides strength to the liver cells for eliminating toxins from the body.
  • It is a natural remedy that helps in the detoxification of the liver naturally. The herbs are used traditionally for maintaining good liver health and supporting it for quick assimilation of the digested food in the body.

Dosage and mode of administration

Adults: It is recommended to take one or two tablets, two times in a day with warm water after the meals.

Children: It is recommended to take one tablet, two times in a day with warm water after the meals.

Ingredients of Livomyn tablet

Livomyn tablet is made up of natural and herbal remedies. The natural herbs in this product are natural and safe and give relief from the symptoms of the liver problems. Important ingredients of this herbal remedy for the liver disorders are:

  • Andrographis paniculata: It is one of the best herbs known to have antiviral properties. It also has anti-inflammatory property that protects your liver cells from the recurrent infection. It gives protection from harmful toxins.
  • Phyllanthus niruri: It is also a well known natural herb that protects your liver cells from the activity of free radicals. It has anti-oxidant properties and helps to protect your liver from the harmful effects of the free radicals.
  • Picrorrhiza kurroa: This is a natural herb that increases the secretion of bile and bile salts and help in the quick recovery from the liver problems. It also helps to improve the digestion functions.
  • Boerhaavia diffusa: It helps in the repair of the tissues and results in quick restoration of regular functions of the liver organ.
  • Tinospora cordifolia and Cichorium intybus: These herbs activate the production of bile, which is an important substance required for appropriate digestive function of the body. These herbs also give protection against drug induced poisoning of the body.
  • Berberis aristata: This natural herb manages the production of bile and other intestinal support minerals for appropriate digestive function and digestion of the food.
  • Aloe barbadensis: It helps to support the normal functioning of the liver cells. It stimulates the secretion of bile to regulate the digestion and absorption of the food.
  • Emblica officinalis: It is a useful ingredient that prevents recurrent infections of the liver cells. It also boosts up the immune system. It rejuvenates the liver cells and protects your liver from the viral hepatitis.

Home remedies for viral hepatitis

Viral hepatitis can also be treated at home. There are many useful home remedies that help to cure liver disease naturally. Home remedies are safe and help to get rid of alcohol induced hepatitis naturally. Important home remedies are:

  • The best natural remedy for viral hepatitis is papaya. You can eat ripe papaya on a daily basis to boost up your immune system and support the normal liver function.
  • Take one teaspoon of dried papaya seeds and grind them to make powder. Eat one teaspoon of this powder daily in the morning with a glass of warm water.
  • Take one teaspoon of fenugreek seeds and soak in a glass of water. Grind to make paste and eat this daily with a glass of warm water.
  • Curd or yoghurt is also believed to be an excellent home remedy for the treatment of viral hepatitis. It helps in boosting up the immunity and prevents viral infection of the liver cells.
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